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Diagnostic imaging procedures for the detection of abnormalities, including breast cancer, are provided at 3 convenient Northeast Connecticut locations: Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam and the Day Kimball Healthcare Centers in Danielson and Plainfield.

All Day Kimball locations use state-of-the-art General Electric DMR Senograph Mammography Units, and the Fuji CR Digital Mammography System, meeting all state and federal quality standards. Additionally, Day Kimball’s mammography services are accredited by the American College of Radiology and have MQSA credentialing with the federal government. Advanced procedures, such as needle localization, breast MRI, breast ultrasound, and core breast biopsies are also available at Day Kimball Hospital.

At our Day Kimball Hospital location, mammograms are performed in the Woman’s Board Mammography Suite. This beautifully decorated suite was specifically designed to provide women with privacy and comfort as they undergo this potentially lifesaving examination. Day Kimball’s mammography service has been rated highest in Connecticut in patient satisfaction according to an independent, national survey.

Mammography Services:

  • Diagnostic Digital Mammograms
  • Screening Mammography 
  • Breast MRI (only at Day Kimball Hospital)
  • Breast Ultrasound (only at Day Kimball Hospital)
  • Needle-Localization (only at Day Kimball Hospital) 
  • Core Breast Biopsy (only at Day Kimball Hospital) 

Breast Health Program: Our goal is to provide exceptional mammographic services to our community, promoting breast health through early detection of disease. Learn more about our Breast Health Program and how our Nurse Navigator helps patients every step of the way.

A Softer Mammogram Experience: Each of our mammography locations offer Hologic(R) MammoPad Breast Cushions. These soft foam pads help relieve the discomfort many women feel while having a mammogram. Since these pads provide a warmer, softer and more comfortable mammogram experience, many women report that they are more relaxed during their examination.

State of Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Grant
Free mammograms and free Pap smear tests are available for women without health insurance, those with health insurance with a deductible of $1,000 or more, or with health insurance that does not cover these services. Call 1-866-997-1663 regarding eligibility for the CT Breast and Cervical Cancer Grant. If ineligible for this grant, contact a financial counselor at Day Kimball Hospital regarding eligibility for a free mammogram certificate through the Day Kimball Healthcare Deary Memorial Cancer Fund at (860) 928-6541 ext. 3316 or  ext. 2219.

Free mammograms through “The Deary Fund”
Free mammograms for Northeast Connecticut women with no health insurance. Call (860) 779-6005 for more information.

Learn more about our Diagnostic Imaging Services.


What To Expect

Routine screening exams usually take less than 20 minutes, while more complex diagnostic mammograms may take up to 45 minutes. Examinations typically require two views of each breast; however, additional views may be necessary at the discretion of the mammographer. At times, it is recommended that breast ultrasounds be performed as well.

Patients having screening examinations at our Putnam, Danielson, and Plainfield facilities may be called back for additional views.

A mammogram technologist will personally call each screening mammography patient for any additional views requested by the reading radiologist.

Patients will be called in advance to confirm their appointment time and location.
Printed results will be available through the patient’s ordering physician 3 to 4 days after the procedure has been performed. The results will also be sent to the patient’s home within1 to 2 weeks. An annual reminder letter will also be sent to the patient’s home.

Mammography patients are asked to avoid caffeine 24-hours prior to the procedure and not to use and deodorant, since this can sometimes appear on the images.

Please ask the ordering physician for any other specific study information and preparation instructions relative to the procedures requested. 

Important Things to Remember

Schedule your mammogram well in advance, as appointment wait times vary from one week up to one month.

Patients having screening mammograms who have had previous studies done at other facilities should first contact those facilities well in advance to have their mammograms sent directly to the patient or Day Kimball’s Diagnostic Imaging Department so that comparisons can be made. Delays may occur in processing results if there are no films available for comparison.

Bring all current insurance cards.

Please double check to see when your last mammography was done. Most insurance companies will not cover more than one routine breast screening within one year.

If a patient needs an interpreter or is hearing impaired, please let us know in advance, and the department will make appropriate arrangements prior to the study.

Read all preparation instructions carefully. They are important to the completion and diagnostic quality of the study. Failure to do so could result in a poor quality results or a rescheduling of the test.

Bring all requisitions or paperwork that the ordering physician has given you to the test.

Plan to arrive at the facility or registration area 15 minutes prior to the scheduled test appointment time.

Most results will be reported to the ordering physician within 3 to 4working days. STAT exams are called or faxed.

All examinations will be performed only with the written request of a physician.

Patients will receive two bills: one from Day Kimball Hospital for performing the procedure and one from Jefferson Radiology for interpreting the procedure.


Locations, Hours and Contact Information

Mammograms are available in three convenient locations in Northeast Connecticut: at the Day Kimball Hospital campus in Putnam and the Day Kimball Healthcare Centers in Danielson and Plainfield. Please view our "Locations, Hours and Contact Information" on our Diagnostic Imaging page.

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